The IFR is the first industry-wide database of known insurance fraudsters.  It is the latest step in the ongoing battle against insurance fraud.

The IFR is a robust, secure and effective tool.  It has been developed by the insurance industry for the insurance industry to help prevent and detect fraudsters. 

The IFR aims to protect honest customers and keep down the cost of insurance. 

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is the sponsor of the IFR on behalf of its members.  The IFR is being managed by the Insurance Fraud Bureau in partnership with the ABI. 

What is insurance fraud?

Insurance fraud is a serious criminal offence. More than £2.1bn of undetected insurance fraud is committed every year.

Insurance fraud cuts across every type of insurance and ranges from opportunists failing to disclose their claims history when applying for cover, or exaggerating claims by adding extra items to a genuine claim, to highly organised 'crash for cash' crime rings who contrive often dangerous road accidents and claim for phantom passengers and fictitious injuries. Insurance fraud may be committed by the policyholder or a third party claiming against an insurance policy.

How the IFR helps protect honest customers

Insurance fraud impacts customers, insurers and society in general. All customers end up paying for the dishonesty of some through higher insurance premiums.  The IFR aims to protect the honest customer by helping to:

  • Make it difficult for insurance fraudsters to engage in criminal activity
  • Make it easier for enforcement agencies to detect and identify fraudsters
  • Keep the cost down of insurance premiums for honest customers

Rolling out the IFR

The IFR went live at the end of 2013. It is now available to over 300 insurers who are members of the ABI. Over 80% of the general insurance market (by market share) is currently utilising the IFR, and work is ongoing to onboard a sizeable proportion of the remaining market.  

For more information see the FAQs

The Partners

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is the sponsor of the IFR on behalf of its members.

The ABI is the voice of insurance, representing the general insurance, investment and long-term savings industry. It was formed in 1985 to represent the whole of the industry and today has over 300 members, accounting for some 90% of premiums in the UK. 

For more information on the ABI, visit

The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) will manage the IFR on behalf of the ABI.

The IFB was set up by the ABI to disrupt and co-ordinate action against people committing organised insurance crime in the UK. The IFB is a not for profit organisation funded by the insurance industry, specifically focussed on detecting and preventing organised and cross industry insurance fraud.

For more information on the IFB, visit

Questions about your policy? If you have questions about your policy please contact your insurance provider.